Monthly Archives: December 2012

HJCR Vol 1. No. 2

HJCR Vol 1. No. 2

WP_20140707_001 (1)

English a Second Language or a Foreign Language with special reference to Multilingualismin Himachal Pradesh

Anil Kumar Swadeshi


The paper attempts to analyze the use of English language in Himachal Pradesh so as to reach the conclusion whether English is a second language or a foreign language here. English language appears to be a second language from surface but when we see it from within it is more like a foreign language. The author has theoretically analyzed the social setup of Himachal Pradesh, the scenario of the use of languages in the schools. There is a dire need to correlate English language to the various native regional languages of Himachal Pradesh that will help in growth and development of the system of school education in Himachal Pradesh.

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Posted by on December 1, 2012 in Abstracts

